Archive for the ‘how to raise a good child’ tag
How To Raise A Good Child – And Keep Your Sanity!
How to raise a good child – if you’ve been a parent for any amount of time, or about to become one, you’ve most likely asked yourself this exact question. Read on to find out how you can raise your kids to be responsible adults, and keep your own sanity.
Raising children has become increasingly more difficult in today’s society. Why? Well, back “in the day”, being a parent didn’t have so many “restrictions or judgements” placed on them. Think about it. How many parents smoked in front of their children? Wearing seat belts were an option, spanking your kids was necessary (not abuse) and teachers taught with disciplinary action. Kids stayed outside and played all summer, they said yes ma’am and yes sir (and wouldn’t dream about speaking disrespectfully to an adult, lest they have their mouth washed out with soap).
Yes, things have certainly changed in today’s society when it comes to raising kids.
So, how do you raise a good child? The tips below will help you stay focused on the end goal – raising a good, responsible child into adulthood. No matter what age your child is, the tips below should always be in effect.
- Always remember. YOU are the parent. Not your child, and not some stranger, not your family or friends. YOU are the parent. If you’re not comfortable with a choice or decision, stick with it. Your instinct is usually right.
- You are first and foremost your child’s parent, NOT their friend. There is a line to be drawn here. You should absolutely have a friendly relationship with your children, but when push comes to shove, you are their parent, their keeper. You know best. Do not let the fear of “my child won’t like me” ever enter your mind. You are there to guide them and raise them into responsible adults. They will thank you for it later, I promise you that.
- Be loving, but firm. This goes hand in hand with the above.
- Give your children freedom and flexibility as they demonstrate responsible behavior, but only a little at a time. Do not give them the ocean before they are ready swim. With good behavior comes good rewards. But they must earn them. And…they must certainly be taken away if they abuse the privilege. Cause and effect…
Be sure to check out Democratic Parenting. It’s a wonderful ebook that teaches an amazing parenting system. It’s a must read for any parent, with children of all ages. You can read more about it here: Democratic Parenting